The Client
With over 30 million jobs available in more than 75 countries, Neuvoo has established itself as one of the largest sources of employment worldwide. Our mission is to centralize all jobs available on the web, whether they come from companies' career websites, staffing agencies or job boards. Neuvoo offers the most diverse and complete content to job seekers. Their mission is to centralize available jobs in one, easy-to-use place for potential employees, recruiters and staffing agencies.
The Challenge
Neuvoo was a difficult name to pronounce and spell, and the logo wasn't recognizable enough. Brand visuals were feeling out of date compared to the market, so they came to us for support in transitioning to a fresh identity.
A new identity
For millions of users
Orizon designed Talent.com a new brand identity using their core values of optimism, transparency and approachability as inspiration. As a result, we were able to create the most streamlined search experience to keep their millions of users satisfied.
Orizon led our rebranding from start to finish, and supported in creating a brand that our customers love. They went above and beyond to ensure we had a scalable system that was ready for our future.
Benjamin Philion
CEO of Talent
Logo Usage
The logo and the icon’s exclusion zone is equal to half the height of the icon (marked as × in the diagram).
Innovative designs
Using market research
Our goal with every client is to create a standout experience and assist in making the best product on the market. We studied and analyzed competitors to innovate and revolutionize, resulting in an interface and user experience that’s one-of-a-kind.

Implementing Change
The strategy
We understand the challenges associated with a rebrand, so we worked to develop a strategic transition plan that allowed for the most seamless integration possible.
Design Systems
Scaling made easy
We love building design systems that grow with our clients. We created reusable components for Neuvoo to make future scaling simple.
Avenir Roman
AaBbCcDdEeFfEeGgHhIi JjKkLlMmNnOoPpQqRrSs
Avenir Heavy
Primary colors
Secondary colors


The results
Profit & satisfaction
Neuvoo transitioned to their new brand identity with ease, and more importantly, their user base loved it. Job click rates increased by 9%, resulting in an 11% revenue increase. Conversion rates from visitors to users increased by 8%.
Jobs click rate
Conversion rate
After the redesign
Talent ended up closing a new funding round of
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